Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday snapshots

Husband this morning:
[Nudge] It's BeAtSchoolTime RIGHT NOW!

Cranky, aggressive email from a kid, mad about getting an incomplete:
Ok, this is starting to make me a bit angry with the grading of the english class. My dad has copies of the last few emails that you have sent out for final grades of the term. From the second most recent email to the one from today i have increased my over all points by almost 10 but the criteria is still the same. It still says I am at an incomplete because i have "didnt turn in" my Macbeth word journal. I sent it to you on Sunday night, the 24th. Please make some corrections so i have an actual grade otherwise I will have to talk to the principal. Also after you make the corrections if its not too much of a hassle i would like two new emails sent out. One of which will be sent to my parents, and the other will be sent to me at this email.

Sincerely, Child


Please reread your original email and consider the tone. It seems very accusatory, which is not an appropriate way to address a teacher. You may certainly discuss this with Mr. AP, if you would like, but threatening to do so is unnecessary.

The email I sent on Monday the 25th was a progress report (not a final grade) that said, “Your student is missing one or more assignments. As mentioned previously, Friday was the last day of the term. All work for the term must be turned in order for students to earn an English credit (per the class syllabus). All work must be turned in on or before Tuesday, January 26 in order for your student to receive a grade. Emailing assignments to me is encouraged. Please review the progress report below.”
That email indicated that you were missing the word journal, as did the one I sent last Wednesday.

Unfortunately, I did not receive an email from you on Sunday, just your Independent reading project Friday night. Since turning in late work is your responsibility, it is also your responsibility to make sure the teacher receives it.

When I get the late assignment from you, I will adjust your grade and complete a grade change form.

Have a good day,
Yeah, sorry for it sound so rude and all. I was a little mad when i wrote it because i was getting yelled at by my dad and i still dont understand why i have an incomplete. I sent you the email on Monday (typo from before when i had said Sunday) but aparently you didnt resieve it. so here it is again
Fun with a speecher after school:
"I really want to take someone under my wing, like Recent Graduate did for me.  I was so sad when I found out I would be the only person in my category!"

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