Like, whoa. I really don't know if I'm brave enough for this. Why is feedback so scary? I've been working on my gut reaction, but it's hard when some peers and administrators don't know the differences between constructive feedback and plain old criticism.
- the lesson is filmed and observed by a master teacher
- they post the raw class footage
- people can then offer suggestions etc. online
- the input from the master teacher and online suggestions is analyzed
- expert feedback is given
- the lesson is retaught
- a compiled version showing before, expert mentoring and the after lesson is posted is kind of wigging me out with its scope--so much to see!
I think I am procrastinating on AP work because my brain is very tired. Starting Twilight at bedtime last night was a poor idea, and I'm a little embarrassed to be reading it. One of my classmates says not to worry because the pages must be a drug in that series.